Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Immigration Be Recognized - 1612 Words

Intro: We didn’t raise the Statue of Liberty with her back to the world, we did it with her light shining as a beacon to the world. And whether we were Irish or Italians or Germans crossing the Atlantic, or Japanese or Chinese crossing the Pacific; whether we crossed the Rio Grande or flew here from all over the world — generations of immigrants have made this country into what it is. It’s what makes us special. Quote by Obama . 42.1 million. Is the number of people migrated to America from their homeland. People see as America as a big welcome hug to immigrants or a open hand that foreigners leaving there country for many reasons. But the question some people in the U.S ask their selves should immigration ought to be recognized? Definitions: †¢ Immigration- the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country †¢ Ought – used to express duty or moral obligation †¢ Recognized- identify someone for something from having encountered them before; know again †¢ Human rights- fundamental rights, especially those believed to belong to an individual and in whose exercise a government may not interfere, as the rights to speak, associate, work, Value and criterion- human dignity the value of this case is and the criterion would be recognizing immigration as a human right, will let anyone coming to America as long they follow the law and due what a good citizen of the United States will do. Contention 1: if we don’t recognize immigration as a human right then we’re notShow MoreRelatedAmeric The Land Of The Free1707 Words   |  7 Pageschoice but to flee. But not everyone was as lucky as they were. 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